Yaklaşık 1 ay sonra Parkormanda izleyeceğimiz Thrash devi Testament daha önce sözünü ettiğmiz yeni albümleri Formation Of Damnation'ı yayınladı. Genel olarak ilk thrash döneminden tatlar taşıyan ancak death'e de bir selam çakmadan geçmeyen albüm 11 parçadan oluşuyor. For the Glory Of adında şahane bir introyla açılıyor. Akabinde kanımca albümün en iyi parçası olan More Than Meets The Eye geliyor. Testamentin ilk dönemi olarak adlandırılan 1987-1992 yılları arasındaki dönemi hatırlatan müthiş bir şarkı. Konser sırasında bolca 0o0o0o yapılarak tribün tadında tempo tutulacak Testament şarkılarından biri. Yine aynı döneme yakın başka bir güzel parça The Evil Has Landed. Albümle aynı adlı eser olan The Formation Of Damnationis ise Death Metal'e selam çakılan şarkı. Güzel parça ancak Testament'ten duymak istediğim tarz bu değil. Bunların dışında Henchman Ride albümün en beğendim şarkılarından biri. Klasik Testament soundu, sert bir sound, güzel bir riff ve şahane bir solo. Umarım burda canlı izleriz. Yine Afterlife ve F.E.A.R. albümün diğer güzel parçaları. F.E.A.R. bana The Ritual albümünü hatırlattı. Ordaki tarza yakın bir parça olmuş. Şahsi kanaatim Formation'ın 2008'in en iyi Metal albümlerinden biri olduğu zaten albüm Amerika'da listelere 59. sıradan girmiş, Thrash severlerce kesinlikle kaçmaması gereken bir albüm...
Wikipedia'dan gördüğüm Chuck Billy'nin albümdeki parçalarla ilgili yorumlarını da şuraya copy-paste'lemeden geçmeyeyim dedim.
‘For The Glory Of’
That’s Eric’s song. It’s an instrumental that he came up with.
‘More Than Meets The Eye’
This is a song me and Steve Souza wrote. It’s about being confined – I use the metaphor of being in jail – and it really not being what it seems. It’s somewhat inspired by Paris Hilton, going to jail, thinking its going to be fancy and stuff, and it being much different than you’d expect.
‘The Evil Has Landed’
Well, it’s obviously about the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, which is something that affected everybody. I knew Alex was blocks away when it happened. You never know who’s safe.
‘The Formation Of Damnation’
This is a statement about corruption in our political society, about where we’re at. I’ve never been a big fan of the Iraq war. I don’t really care for our troops to be there, and I don’t like the money we’re spending to keep them there. I see young kids on the news over there burning American flags, carrying rifles, and being raised to hate. We’re setting up an unsafe world for the future.
‘Dangers Of The Faithless‘
It’s about losing faith in society and religion. For example, the Catholic Church violates young children, but is able to hide it and sweep it under the table.
‘The Persecuted Won’t Forget’
It’s about people being suppressed. I use the metaphor of having a noose around your neck. Feeling constrained. Not being able to breathe. We’re always subject to threats.
‘Henchman Ride’
“Henchman” is inspired by a motorcycle club in the Bay Area. It’s about being free, riding American-made machines. The freedom of riding on a motorcycle.
‘Killing Season’
That song is for our troops. We’ve gotten e-mails and letters from soldiers who say they put Testament music on before going into battle. So, the next kid who has to do that might put this song on and get fired up. He might have to go take lives. It’s time to get out there and do it.
It’s about possibly seeing my father in the afterlife. If there really is an afterlife. Eric and I lost our fathers in the past couple years.
‘F. E. A. R.’
It stands for “False Evidence Appearing Real.” It’s a psychological statement about the famous quote “There’s nothing to fear but fear itself.” Alex wrote the whole song – music and lyrics - himself.
‘Leave Me Forever’
This song was inspired by a bad relationship. It’s about being dragged through the mud. Being told one thing and being let down
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